“Hero’s Hunt”
The “Hero’s Hunt” is a youth deer hunt for the children of wounded or killed soldiers and first responders. The children participate in activities that prepare them for the hunt with their chaperones and guides. Educating the youth hunters about their gun, gun safety, hunter safety, tracking, deer stands, shooting practice and getting them connected with their guides is all part of this amazing experience that will forever become a great memory. A dinner to honor our wounded and fallen soldiers is held each year to take a moment for us to pay respects and show our gratitude to those who sacrificed so much. We are blessed to host this event and watch kids learn about hunting, making friends from all over the country, and learning to love the outdoors.
This is for children ages 7-15. To participate in this event, you must preregister by September 5th by calling the office at 270-970-0643 to have the registration form emailed to you.
- Organizer Name: Camp WHOA
- Phone: 270 970 0643
- Email: walkinghumblyoutdooradventures@gmail.com
- Website: www.whoaky.org